Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Peregrine or Kestrel?

When is a kestrel not a kestrel? When its a peregrine.

Had an amazing 3 hours late afternoon watching this peregrine which was behaving in a very odd way.
It was hovering like a Kestrel and then landing in ankle deep water trying to what I can only assume was to flush out some prey.

The photos are untouched and not that great as the bird was over 500 yards away.

Also had a stunning Marsh harrier,2 roe deer and 2 hares.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Spring is here!!! nearly..

Started with this odd ipit!! looked odd in the sun anyway probably go for Meadow.

Started out with nothing in mind only to follow the blue sky that had suddenly arrived. Ended up at North Cave and WOW! what a place this is going to be in a few months, its brilliant now but with all the developments and work going on this is going to be the norths premier birding spot.

Little Ringed Plover was a joy to watch competing with dozens of Redshank and Pied Wagtails, for all the newly arrived flies and insects.
 A sudden influx of  Chiff Chaff is always a good sign that summer is on its way.
 And this Black Tailed Godwit was a bonus.
 Him again!!
 Even the basic birds started to look good in the sunshine.
Oh and Him....

All in all not a bad collection of birds for the day I did have some others on the way to north cave but given the time of year and all that i think i will keep these for another day!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

An unexpected surprise....

A visit to the mother in laws threw up this unexpected treat.

Finished off with Goldeneye, Pochard and a stunning display by a Peregrine and a Marsh Harrier.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Review of the week 4

Could not stay in today, could I? and when the better half asked if we could go to Hornsea I could not contain my excitement How could I slope off to top hill for the Red crested grebe or spin a line about Hornsea mere and the Long Tailed Duck!!!! Decision's decision's.

well here's the answer.

Yes Wagtail amazing in it!! Think I will buy a lottery ticket tonight!!!

Review of the week 3

Stayed a bit closer to home with a trip to the river ouse in York and was pleasantly surprised to say the least.

 I don't do gulls!!!!! and this is why?
 Goosander was a nice surprise.
 and this cracking pheasant trying to avoid me.
 back on the river ouse.
 Ah it must be spring (don't mention M**T Sauce!!!
 Best surprise of the day caught these three upto no good.

 also had Green woodpecker but sadly no pic and some lovely Roe deer.
Finished off with the greediest squirrel I have ever seen.

What a cracking day!!!!!

Review of the week 2

Got the outdoor bug now so decided to hit the dales.....

Explored a new spot near Masham and was not disappointed Great crested grebe and a stunning Red Kite.

Review of the week.

Started to get itchy feet this week as it was the first real break since Christmas.So decide to head out to the coast on Tuesday more for the scenery rather than the birding.But I suppose the two go hand in hand on the Yorkshire Coast.

A nice start was this tufted on the LDV before I set off. Then onto the coast.

Kittiwake in good number.

As were Fulmar.

Plenty of Redshank looking for a meal with the gulls
and over 50  curlew helping themselves in the seaweed.

Sadly a dead bottle nosed dolphin on the beach was less pleasant but then spent the next half hour watching a grey seal of the cliffs at flamborough.  Brilliant!