Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Best garden tick so far?

Sorting out the car on the drive yesterday afternoon I heard two corvids making some odd calling noises,I looked up and at about 100 feet up I had not one but two Red Kites!! Could not believe my luck and what a garden tick! well happy with those two.

Today was much more grim 9 degrees C and feeling more like -3C I set off to see what was about managed to arrive at one of my top spots and under bright but cloudy skies managed to get Sanderling, Dunlin,Plover,Avocet,Terns,Shelduck, as well as the usuals Sand martin,Swift,Swallows,House Martins.

And then the heavens opened so I went home.....
But I will be back tomorrow.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Skylarks Galore!!

Spent most of yesterday watching first two Coal tits systematically devouring my bird seed in the garden and then second watching a great tit trying to dodge 3 cats as it fed its young in a nest it had made in a stone greek wine vessel which was actually on the floor!!!  Why do they build nests in the most inappropriate places?

Today I stayed local and came across these two enjoying themselves on a local pond..

Linnets were well happy calling in the trees and then i noticed a huge number of Skylarks there must have been over 50 birds in one field it was amazing to see and so vocal.Also ran into 70-80 greylag goslings it must be a bumper year for them and then two of the biggest Hares I have ever seen (greyhound size) Honest!

Onto the NDC.

Its hard to believe how the North Duffield Carrs have recovered after the hit it took this winter.
 I cant believe this is the same spot that was under water less than 3 months ago.And then onto a real heinz 57 duck god knows what this is a hybrid of?
 Not the same pic it was just nice to see the Terns in the background.
Spent the last hour in the GS hide at north duff and was rewarded with Snipe, Blackcap, Shelduck,Marsh harrier,Curlew,Sedge Warbler and Redshank.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Swifts and snakes...

First time out for a couple of weeks due to home and work stuff.Nice to see the Swifts have finally arrived screaming there heads off as they fly through the sky.

Had a walk around the local patch and came across this young snake.

Chiff Chaffs sounding off but very nice then a walk down the lane produced a superb Jay could not get near for a pic but thats twice i have seen this Jay in the same place.
 These two took some getting but it was a joy to watch and listen to them.

 Its a tricky time at the moment I want to keep up to speed with the activity on the area but as you will appreciate as this is in the public domain I can not be too specific about what I see and where i see it.

Will be back out for some more this week.

Thanks for viewing.