Saturday, 10 August 2013

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

More from France.....

The above picture does not do justice to the sight for real! Over 60 Buzzards and Kites in the air at the same time.

This Grey Wag was bagged at lunchtime shot through a storm drain pipe.
 Him again...

 Lesser spotted woodpecker at distance in poor early morning light.
 Happy family Back end of adult bird looking for food as youngsters look on.
 The wonderful Serin lovely song.
 These two searching for food on the roadside nice bonus.
 Oh and a wasp about two inches long get stung by one of these and its A&E for the night.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Golden Oriole....

Early morning and came across 6-8 of these in the distant oak trees. branch in the wrong place as usual.Also had two Turtle doves.

 Flock of about 20 of these on the way home.

 And these still hanging around the garden.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Sunday morning special.

Had a walk around the local lanes this morning and this was the list before 11 o'clock.
Magpie,House Sparrow,Blackbird,Chaffinch,Red Kite,Willow Warbler,Hoopoe,Honey Buzzard,Common Buzzard,Hobby,Lesser Kestrel,Green Woodpecker,Wren,Black Redstart,Collared Dove,Grey Heron,Blue Tit,Jay.
and probably a few i have forgotten!!

Still trying to get good pics of the Oriole's but they are very hard to pin down.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Bird Heaven!

Garden visitor this afternoon have had these in the uk two years ago but good to see them here.