Sunday, 27 January 2013

Four seasons in two days...Only in England!!!

Could not believe the change in the weather in 24 hours we go from 5 inches of snow to green grass.
Only in England eh!
How can we go from this (above) to this (below)

Came across a large flock of mixed birds which included the following Bullfinch, Chaffinch, Blue Tit, Reed Bunting, Greenfinch, Yellow Hammer ,Brambling, Great Tit, Dunnock, What an odd mix I can only assume that they were gathering together to keep warm. Still stacks of Rooks Crows and Jackdaws and a monster flock of wood pigeon.

Can you spot the pyrrhula pyrrhula?
The LDV is a magical area and I have stopped trying to second guess what might happen down here.
Yesterday this area was just Ice today its like a large lake Wigeon, Teal, Pochard, Shovelor, Shelduck, and loads of Whoopers. Grey lags and Canadas's in big numbers as were tufted duck, and Mallard.

and the mystery bird?????/
Will be back out for more tomorrow.


  1. Bullfinch!
    Checked out intake lane yesterday but nothing there except fieldfare & 1 reed bunting.

    1. Cheers Andy,
      Intake has been dead for the last two days too much shooting.

      Try the rail track near the bottle banks I just topped up the feeders good for goldcrest corn bunt etc

  2. Will do meant to write down where to go before I left but forgot, Andy mentioned intake and it rang a bell so went there! Plenty of time to get my farmland birds yet!!
