Saturday, 30 March 2013

Stuck on another front!

Not sure if its coincidence but I seem to get caught between weather fronts, Yesterday was typical had a walk around a few local spots despite the cold wind the fields were full of life. A good size flock (150) of mixed birds revealed Chaffinch and Yellowhammer. The odd Linnet and Corn Bunting also making up the numbers.
Curlew were distant about 7-8 and plenty of Mad march hares out and about. Two large brown rats were busy and huge flocks of both Wood, Feral,and racing pigeons were trying to find food on the ground.I also noted a flock of about (30) Redwing and Fieldfare still hanging around.

Still got huge numbers of Wigeon,Teal and Tufted's and a surprising number of Shovelor's.

Oyster catchers in evidence and good numbers of the more common Mallard,Heron etc.
Then the snow came down!! like I said I seem to get stuck on theses weather fronts?!"$%£

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Pochard and Scaup.

Went back down to the GS hide to face a bitter wind.Visibility not good but was greeted by 100+ Tufteds, 50-60 Shovelor and 6-8 Pochard close to the hide, lots of Snipe about and distant views of the Whoopers. No Grebes at all but I was only there for an hour.Good news is that the Gargeny hide has reopened but is slippy underfoot so take care!! Curlew about and the usual big numbers of Teal and Wigeon. Coot also plentyful and a couple of Ruff were seen. 2 Scaup had been noted but not by me.

All looking good!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Missed Scoter but got the Grebe.

Had a quick look around the GS hide late afternoon today in the hope that I might get the six common Scoter that had been seen yesterday but sadly no luck.

The flock of 70+ Whoopers 1 Black swan and 1 Bewick were still hanging around, lots of Mutes and greylags in the distance,but the main three birds in number were Tufted 70+, Shovelor 100+ and Pochard 50+ .

Plenty of activity on the ever expanding feed station (many thanks to Craig and the team for this excellent addition to the site)

Teal,Coot,Wigeon in big numbers and a handful of Curlew, Wader numbers were low as the river level is back up again.

Dunlin evident 40+ and a few Lapwing.Then about 400 yards in front of the hide it was nice to see 3 Little grebe's fight with each other, then I noticed not one but possibly three Black necked grebe's upturned bill, pale hook on cheeks evident and easy to pick out next to the little grebes.

Light started to fade badly and a slight mist drifted in so I called it a day but will be back tomorrow weather permitting.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Yorkshires mount Fuji!!

This was not mount Fuji but the view from Angram reservoir just before the bad weather hit this afternoon.
Got a nice Bullfinch in a local carpark.
Then moved onto Roundhill reservoir and was greeted by 20+Whooper swans.Red grouse in big numbers.
Had a superb Goldeneye (but no pic!) but made up for that miss with a nice Goosander.
Loads of Curlew and Lapwing,and Crows and Jackdaw very vocal and busy.Another cracking day!

Saturday, 16 March 2013

This is what you call a song contest!!!

Started today with a fantastic song thrush singing his heart out Brilliant!!!
Waited for some decent light and could only manage an hour on the local patch, all the usual stuff for here Wigeon,Teal, Blue Tits,Great Tits, Robin, Dunnock, etc so when the sun did come out I decided to have a walk around the village.
A male Chaffinch was singing his head off and a distant rival was responding then I noticed Lapwing in large numbers where I have never seen them before so much standing water means they are spoiled for choice.

I also spotted over 50 Pied wagtails hunting for insects in the standing water.

.Moving on I spotted 3 mad march hares doing there stuff (Brilliant)
Moving on to the ings it was nice to see Curlew back in numbers and a good size flock of Tufted duck.
A cracking Corn Bunting calling away was a bonus but I just could not get close enough for a decent pic.
Heading back home and the song thrush was back on his perch singing for England!!! Brilliant!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Groundhog day!

Had to go off patch today but managed a quick detour around Pately Bridge, and was in for a treat. Arrived at Gouthwaite reservoir only to be told that I had just missed the long tailed duck!
 Bit of a pattern here as I used to specialize in missing grade "A" birds but did manage to get a cracking haul for just a couple of hours effort. I had Curlew,Goldeneye,Lapwing,Great crested grebe,Slovanian grebe,Teal,Wigeon,Mistle Thrush,Grey lag,Canada geese,Black grouse,Kestrel,Willow Tit, and a superb peregrine.

Slav grebe showed well and the pair of great crested grebes.

Nice to see some of the common stuff up close too.

Back to the LDV this week and awaiting waders!!

Saturday, 2 March 2013


What a cracking day the weather was superb!!!

Woke up to the sound of a lovely song thrush singing away on a neighbours roof and on looking across the ings at Bubwith could see at least 70 Whooper Swans in the disance,Pochard,Teal and ever present Wigeon were all in good numbers.

Decided to sit and fiddle with one of my cameras settings whilst I had a cup of tea (big mistake) see below.

Made my way over to the bridge at Bubwith expecting to see an increase in the massive wader population I had been watching last week but no joy but for 100+ Lapwing and some airborne Dunlin that was it.

Water dropping like a stone where has it all gone?

Not much doing really so after a quick chat with the ever Knowledgeable AWBIRDER who was also out and about on the patch I decided to try for some Corn bunts on one of my boltholes. No joty there either except for this lot.

Manged to hit on this Buzzard but as soon as I tried to get closer he was off.
Made my way to Aughton but again other than the usual Great tit and a nice bunch of Long tailed tits there was very little about.Did notice though that these gulls were playing in the thermals in large numbers.

Made my way back to Bubwith and now the song thrush had gone but loads and loads of Skylarks, Spring must be here!!!

managed to spot these four villains looking for an easy meal.

Back to the bridge and a quick look back over the ings nice to see the 70+ Whoopers still there and lots of Lapwings picked out a stunning male pintail and decided for a top shot well it would have been if i had not have forgotten to reset the camera!!!!! Doh!!!! Its the closest i have ever got to a pintail.

Wigeon would have been good too!!!!

Back over the bridge but still no waders but I am sure they will be back I am sure I will be!!

Not sure this helps....