Saturday, 16 March 2013

This is what you call a song contest!!!

Started today with a fantastic song thrush singing his heart out Brilliant!!!
Waited for some decent light and could only manage an hour on the local patch, all the usual stuff for here Wigeon,Teal, Blue Tits,Great Tits, Robin, Dunnock, etc so when the sun did come out I decided to have a walk around the village.
A male Chaffinch was singing his head off and a distant rival was responding then I noticed Lapwing in large numbers where I have never seen them before so much standing water means they are spoiled for choice.

I also spotted over 50 Pied wagtails hunting for insects in the standing water.

.Moving on I spotted 3 mad march hares doing there stuff (Brilliant)
Moving on to the ings it was nice to see Curlew back in numbers and a good size flock of Tufted duck.
A cracking Corn Bunting calling away was a bonus but I just could not get close enough for a decent pic.
Heading back home and the song thrush was back on his perch singing for England!!! Brilliant!

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