Sunday, 8 December 2013

Some good news and some not so good....

Decided to visit all my 7 known spots on the patch which over the years have almost guaranteed me a Barn Owl sighting.

Sadly nothing doing! even my best site nothing, what has happened to all the Barn Owls in the Lower Derwent Valley?

any input appreciated.

Could not help but notice that the hedgerows are still groaning under the weight of uneaten fruit and then as if by magic in came a huge flock of Fieldfare at least 200+ birds.

Had a look at the new footpath that's under construction and then spotted a new feeder it was under siege from an assortment of Great tits, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, and one single Brambling.
 distant views of 30+ Whoopers and one Black Swan.
 View from the Geoff Smith hide dare i say it but we need some H2O!!!! 
 New footpath under construction at the North Duffield Carrs.

 New feeding station sadly no pic but there was a brambling hanging around this feeder.
 One final stop off at one of my nailed on Barn Owl spots but sadly more chance of seeing an England cricket victory!!


  1. I've seen one (1) in the last month on the a19 at the a163 turn off.

  2. I suppose that I must have been checking out similar locations in the LDV since the start of winter, I regret to say with similar results. I have been told on good authority that the local Barn Owls have moved away from their normal haunts, after vole numbers crashed due to the very wet winter and a very delayed spring. A high percentage of the Barn Owl population did not breed this year. I have had just one sighting this winter on my local patch S W of York, again very disappointing compared to previous winters. Jon W.

    1. Thanks Jon,
      from what i can gather the adults are in tact but did not breed this year due to lack of food! if that is the case then why are we not seeing the adults feed?
