Sunday, 16 February 2014

First Skylark of the year.

Spring is in the air,and a weekend of firsts.
Snowdrops,Aconites,Song Thrush,Skylark,but no LEO.

30+ Pochard on the derwent.

Started with a walk around the patch, loads of Robins,Wrens,Great tits,Blue tits, and a very nice surprise a Skylark singing its head off.

But Dandelions in full bloom!!! whats the weather doing?

Caught site of something unusual just past the bridge at Bubwith but did not think anything of it.(more later)

Lots of Wigeon , Teal, Shovelor and Shelduck.

Watch out for the tiles on the church at Aughton.

 Plenty of Teal about.

 7 Yellow hammers looking for food.

 Lots of Robins laying out the territory rules.

Recent storm damage on the church.
Also had at least 4 separate Song Thrush,Dunnock,Wren,Chaffinch,Fieldfare.Magpie,Kestrel,and all the usual stuff.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Too windy?

First time out for a few weeks and the river level has certainly risen.
High gusting winds seem to prevent many birds from showing their faces,but never one to give in it was best foot forward and a quick walk around the village.

Not much about in the fields with the exception of corvids and pigeons.
Moved on to the North duff carrs wind now stronger than ever but was greeted by two hungry Bullfinch.
(pic not great)

 Valley very water heavy but combined with the rain and the sun it still produces some stunning light.

Huge flock of mixed Golden Plover and lapwings easily 1000+birds. Redshank, Pintail, Shovelor,Teal all present in good numbers.

Whoopers feeding in the surrounding fields and good numbers of Snipe were also seen.
Back for more soon.

If our birds are few and far between and you fancy something a bit different have a look at this.....

well worth a look. (but remember the time difference.)