Sunday, 16 February 2014

First Skylark of the year.

Spring is in the air,and a weekend of firsts.
Snowdrops,Aconites,Song Thrush,Skylark,but no LEO.

30+ Pochard on the derwent.

Started with a walk around the patch, loads of Robins,Wrens,Great tits,Blue tits, and a very nice surprise a Skylark singing its head off.

But Dandelions in full bloom!!! whats the weather doing?

Caught site of something unusual just past the bridge at Bubwith but did not think anything of it.(more later)

Lots of Wigeon , Teal, Shovelor and Shelduck.

Watch out for the tiles on the church at Aughton.

 Plenty of Teal about.

 7 Yellow hammers looking for food.

 Lots of Robins laying out the territory rules.

Recent storm damage on the church.
Also had at least 4 separate Song Thrush,Dunnock,Wren,Chaffinch,Fieldfare.Magpie,Kestrel,and all the usual stuff.


  1. what was the unusual sighting past bubwith?

    There was a seo recovered dead from side of the road nr bubwith the other week, wasnt aware one was in the area! :(

  2. Cheers Andy think it was the LEO
